
What is gastric sleeve surgery?
What are the conditions to have surgery in Turkey?
Why should you choose Turkey in bariatric surgery?
Recovery and weight loss process after surgeryIn recent years, Turkey has a high success graphic in bariatric surgery. Hundreds of patients coming to Turkey to have different surgical procedures especially gastric sleeve surgery can find solutions to obesity and health problems due to excess weight. In this sense, gastric sleeve Turkey is among the most searched topic about obesity surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Turkey

When it comes to weight loss surgery, the most common methods with the highest success rate are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Additionally, the gastric band might be preferred for some patients. The gastric balloon is not an alternative to surgical methods but it is an endoscopic method.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Also called sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive operation. The operation is performed by an expert bariatric surgeon under general anesthesia and with the laparoscopic method.

A large part of the stomach is removed in this surgery. A small tube-shaped stomach with normal functions is left behind. Since the stomach is smaller, patients can be fuller with less food. During the surgery, the ghrelin secreting stomach section which is directly related to hunger and appetite is removed and patients lose weight easily.

Since the small intestine is not operated in gastric sleeve, it is simpler than gastric bypass. Therefore, the complication risk is low and side effects are few.

Shorter recovery period due to the laparoscopic method makes this surgery preferable.

What are the conditions to have surgery in Turkey?

Gastric Sleeve surgery Turkey criteria are the same as the general criteria around the world. Bariatric surgery methods include operations to treat obesity and excess weight-related diseases. Therefore, it can’t be operated for aesthetic purpose.

Criteria for Turkey gastric surgery are listed as follows:

  • Patients with body mass index more than 40 morbidly obese patients,
  • Patients with BMI between 35-40 and with obesity-related serious diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure.
  • Patients with a BMI under 35 and with weight-related health problems.

Patients must be between 18-65 years old and must have tried but failed with other methods.

Patients meeting this criterion are testes and examined. After an examination, patients with suitable health conditions are operated.

Why should you choose Turkey in bariatric surgery?

One of the most popular topics under gastric sleeve Turkey is the advantages offered by Turkey to these patients.

Gastric sleeve in turkey is preferred for the following reasons.

  • Turkey has successful and experienced obesity surgeons.
  • Obesity clinics and private hospitals are equipped in terms of personnel and equipment.
  • High-quality service is offered at affordable prices. Surgery costs are more affordable than most European countries and the USA.
  • Package prices give advantages to the patients. All tests before and after the surgery, a special diet program by a dietitian are included in the price.
  • After the surgery, the treatment process is closely followed and controls are maintained for a long time.

Recovery and weight loss process after surgery

After gastric sleeve surgery, patients can be discharged after 2 or 3 days.

Stomach pain is possible in the first few days. Painkillers can be used under a surgeon’s supervision.

A special diet is followed in the first 2 months after the surgery. In this program, patients only eat liquid food in the first few weeks and gradually transit to solid food.

Patients can go back to their normal life in two weeks. But they might need to wait a bit longer for heavy physical activity.

After the surgery patients fully recover and go back to normal eating habits.

Weight loss will immediately start after the surgery. Generally, patients lose 10% of excess weight in the first month. Weight loss can take 1 or 1.5 years. The most successful results for weight loss rates are in surgery gastric sleeve. Another successful method is gastric bypass.

After gastric sleeve, majority of the patients can lose 60-80% of excess weight. But patients have responsibilities for healthy and effective weight loss and sustaining this weight loss.

All patients who want to have obesity surgery must be willing to change their life. Now, patients must be careful about their eating, do routine exercise and stay away from harmful habits. Patients who can do this will have successful results.

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