Gastric sleeve surgery is the best doctor Increasing obesity around the world not only reduces the quality of life of the person, but also shortens the life span. Obesity is an overweight problem that occurs as a result of the body taking in more energy (calories) than it can consume through food and storing these excess calories as fat. If left untreated, it can lead to death. Permanent and effective results may not be obtained from medical methods (medication, exercise, diet, etc.) in the treatment of obesity. In this case, permanent and sustainable results are obtained by applying obesity surgery methods. Url: Gastric sleeve surgery is the best doctor
Gastric sleeve surgery is the best doctor
Obesity surgery methods;
- Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey (sleeve gastrectomy)
- Gastric Bypass
- It is a gastric balloon
In recent years, one of the most preferred methods in obesity surgery in our country, as well as around the world, is gastric sleeve surgery.
What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
In this method, which is based on reducing the volume of the stomach, 75-80% of the stomach is cut out with a tool called a stapler and the cut area is stapled again with a stapler. Additional stitches may be applied if necessary. In addition, this removed part also contains the fundus part where the appetite hormone is secreted. The operation is performed entirely by laparoscopic (closed) method. The reason why this procedure is called gastric sleeve is that the stomach remaining after the surgery is tube-shaped. With the shrinking stomach volume and decreasing appetite, the person feels less desire to eat and thus reduces food intake. Thus, the person loses weight quickly and effectively. However, this method cannot be applied to every obesity patient. For this, the patient must meet certain conditions.
Who can undergo gastric sleeve surgery?
People who will have gastric sleeve surgery:
- Having a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and above, people with a BMI of 35 and above having comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome,
- Not having a hormonal disease,
- No addictions such as alcohol or drugs,
- Absence or treatment of diseases such as ulcers, large hiatal hernia,
- Must be between the ages of 18-65 (This age range may vary depending on the person’s body performance).
- If all these conditions are met, the person can have stomach reduction surgery.
When the patient decides to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the next most important step is to choose the doctor he will work with. Because the specialist he chooses will increase the chance of treatment and minimize the risks.
Who performs gastric sleeve surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery, one of the obesity surgery methods, falls within the field of general surgery. General surgery is a very broad field and includes many different types of surgical practices. However, not every surgeon can perform every surgery. The most important criterion here is the surgical interventions performed at the medical faculty where the specialist was trained and at the institution where he works. In addition, it is necessary to work for many years in the institution where it works and gain experience in surgical interventions.
There are very successful and experienced obesity surgeons in this field in our country. Turkey is among the countries where the most successful surgeries in the world are performed and preferred by many patients from home and abroad. Dr. Tufan Ergenç, I have been working in the field of obesity surgery since 2009 and performed more than 2000 successful operations. During this period, I treated many obesity patients from home and abroad and helped them regain their health. The reason why I am one of the best surgeons in this field is that I have been working in the field of obesity for years and have a lot of experience in this field.
Gastric sleeve surgeries are generally lower-risk surgical interventions. It can be seen that it is easier to do than other methods. However, this is a big mistake. Because it is a procedure that can have fatal consequences when performed by inexperienced and non-expert surgeons. One of the biggest reasons for serious complications and deaths after stomach reduction surgery is that it is performed by non-specialist doctors. If you are going to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery, you should definitely work with an experienced surgeon. The doctor you will work with must have performed at least 1000 stomach reduction surgeries and have a high success rate. Additionally, treatment is not limited to surgery. The pre- and post-operative period is also very important. Therefore, a surgeon who will be with you and support you from the beginning to the end of your treatment will ensure that you have an easier and healthier treatment process both physically and psychologically.